• Bible

    библия синодальный перевод

    Если вы хотите читать самую необычайную и важную книгу всех времён, то это приложение для вас. Загрузите Библию сейчас и слушайте истину бога, рассказанную пророками. Библия- это откровенье слова божьего. Это самая популярная и читаемая книга в мире, содержащая множество поучений. Она помогает вам на жизненном пути. Священная Библия была…

  • Bible

    New King James Bible

    Here we offer the New King James Version, a modern translation of the Bible in English. It was published in 1982 , it took a total of seven years to complete. The New Testament was published in 1979 , the Psalms in 1980 and the complete Bible in 1982. Around…

  • Bible

    KJV Study Bible

    Welcome to the best English Bible of all time: King James Version! This application allows you to download the King James Bible on your phone or Android tablet. Now enjoy the Word of God for free on your phone! For a Christian, it is extremely important to read the Bible.…

  • Bible

    Easy to read Bible

    Enjoy a wonderful Easy to Read Version of the Bible, free for Android. If you love to read the Bible this version will surely trap you. This is your time to approach God and to follow his Holy Teachings. This is your time to turn into a better person and…

  • Bible

    Bíblia Sagrada

    A maravilhosa Palavra de Deus num aplicativo muito pratico. Faça o download da Bíblia preferida dos evangélicos: Bíblia João Ferreira Almeida Com a ajuda deste aplicativo completo, você poderá ler a Bíblia em português no seu telefone! A Bíblia mais lida no Brasil, agora você pode tê-la no seu dispositivo…

  • Bible

    Biblia Reina Valera 1960

    Descarga la mejor app de la Biblia, la Reina Valera 1960 completa, gratis en tu teléfono! Proponte este año leer más la Biblia, nosotros te ayudamos. Baja nuestra Biblia y léela cómodamente en tu dispositivo móvil. La Biblia Reina Valera, una de las primeras versiones de la Biblia en español,…

  • Apps

    Bible Offline

    The King James Holy Bible. Enjoy the Holy Word on your mobile device and read the Bible anytime and anywhere without being connected to the Internet. Now you can access the classic King James Version, read its verses and Psalms and study the most important book in history. Also known…

  • Apps

    Bible LSG

    Ici vous avez la Bible en ligne, une application qui vous permettra de télécharger gratuitement la Bible Louis Segond sur votre portable. Profitez de la Bible la plus lue au monde, la Bible Louis Segond. Cette app vous aide à lire la Bible plus facilement. Avez-vous très peu de temps…

  • Apps


    The Bible is the revelation of God’s word. The Bible is the most popular and widely read book in the world. It has been translated into more than 2500 languages. If you want to read the most extraordinary and influential book ever written, this is your application. Download it now…

  • Apps

    Bibel App Deutsch

    Wenn Sie das außergewöhnlichste und einflussreiche jemals geschriebene Buch lesen wollen, ist das Ihre Anwendung. Laden Sie die Bibel jetzt herunter und genießen Sie die Wahrheit Gottes, der durch die Hellseher sprach. Die Bibel ist die Enthüllung des Wortes Gottes. Es ist das populärste und meist gelesene Buch der Welt…